Get Reddie to Connect - HSU Alumni Chapters

Alumni gather at Homecoming

Join a Current Chapter

Black Alumni Chapter
Greater Hot Springs Alumni Chapter* (forming now!)
*Link requires Facebook log-in

Membership Dues: $25 per year; first year FREE for new grads

Membership Benefits
● Opportunities to connect with alumni who share your passions or live in your area
● Reconnect with Henderson State University
● Give back in a meaningful way
● Have chapter representation on the Alumni Association Board of Directors
● Social media, website, email, meeting, membership and event support
● Permission to use university licensed logos
● Customized online donation page with tax benefits provided to donors

Alumni enjoy a banquet

Start a Chapter

Alumni chapters can be formed in two ways:
1. A group of Henderson State alumni take the initiative.
2. The HSU Alumni Association may seek alumni volunteers to develop chapters as needed.

HSAA alumni chapters can be organized by:
1. Geographic Area (Hot Springs, Central Arkansas, Dallas, etc.)
2. Affinity Group (Fraternity or Sorority, Showband, Football, etc.)
3. Academic Program or Interest (Chemistry, Theatre, School of Business, Teachers, etc.)

For more information about how to start a chapter, please review the Chapter Handbook.

Want to discuss more ways to get involved? Contact Leah Sexton, Director of Alumni Engagement, at 870-230-5352 or